Firme Visionère

Innovative Health, Safety, Environment and Quality training with VTS Editor

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Firme VisionÈre is a training organization specializing in the management of Health, Safety, Environment, and Quality (HSE-Q). Drawing on many years of experience in various industries, the organization supports professionals in developing their skills to meet the ever-increasing demands in risk prevention and continuous improvement.

To offer training that is more engaging and better suited to real-world challenges, Firme VisionÈre has adopted an innovative Digital Learning approach. In this initiative, Roxanne SAVARD and her team have chosen Serious Factory and the software VTS Editor to design interactive and immersive modules. Thanks to this solution, they can provide dynamic and effective training, promoting learning through practice and optimal skills transfer.

Icone Video


Roxanne SAVARD shares her experience with VTS Editor and how the authoring software has transformed the design of digital training courses within her organization. Thanks to its immersive, interactive modules, VisionÈre is revolutionizing professional training with an engaging, innovative approach.

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