What is a role‑playing scenario?

A role‑playing scenario, also known as role‑play or training simulation, is an active pedagogical device that aims to immerse learners in a situation they could encounter in their professional context and trains them to adequately react to that situation.

Creating an interactive role‑play with VTS Editor

What are the benefits of role‑playing scenarios?

Example of an interactive role‑play created with VTS Editor

Integrating role‑playing scenarios into your training programs is crucial because it allows learners to apply theoretical skills in a practical and realistic context, thus facilitating knowledge retention, memorization, consolidation of knowledge, and application to concrete situations.

These active learning methods contribute to strengthening learning and professional skills through experience and help develop a deeper understanding of the concepts covered by giving them meaning.

Furthermore, interactive role‑playing scenarios based on pedagogical models promote high engagement by directly involving learners in scenarios in which they are 'the hero'.

The 70‑20‑10 learning model, developed by researchers McCall, Eichinger, and Lombardo, reveals how individuals learn:

  • 10% through formal methods, such as traditional courses, videos, articles.
  • 20% through exchanges with their environment and colleagues.
  • 70% through experience and practice

Commonly used in face‑to‑face training, the development of role‑playing scenarios in an E‑Learning training program can seem more complex if you don't use the right tools.
Illustration of McCall, Eichinger, and Lombardo's 70‑20‑10 model

How to create role‑playing scenarios for your training materials?

After creating the pedagogical design and developing the theoretical part of your training, you now want to add role‑playing scenarios, but where do you start?

First and foremost, a role‑playing scenario is a short story that places the learner at the center of the pedagogical content by giving them a role and a problem to solve.

Like any story, you must start by defining the environment, protagonists, initial context, and final situation according to the pedagogical objectives you wish to achieve. Then, define the role the learner will have in this scenario and the various stages of the pedagogical approach as well as the challenges each participant will face.
For the pedagogical method to be effective, we advise creating short role‑playing scenarios that address one or two problems at a time.

Create personalized remediation sequences (feedbacks) that help the learner identify and understand their mistakes throughout their training journey, giving them the keys to progress.
Prefer creating several pedagogical role‑playing scenarios rather than imagining too complex scenarios that will be complicated to design and manage.

With hundreds of Digital Learning projects developed over more than 16 years and tested by over 300 clients, Serious Factory has developed a 9‑step key design methodology called "Juicy Learning".

You can find all the details of this method by downloading our white paper dedicated to this interrogative and inductive method.

What tools to create role‑playing scenarios?

As we have seen earlier, creating a role‑playing scenario involves the development of educational scenarios that unfold in an environment close to the professional world and require interaction with one or more protagonists.

Traditional E‑Learning tools alone do not allow the creation of such scenarios and that's why we created VTS Editor, the world's leading authoring tool for designing interactive role‑playing scenarios.

Without any technical or graphic skills and with the help of generative AI, you will be able to design realistic role‑playing scenarios easily and in record time to build an effective and interactive training: Choose a setting, characters and design your scenario with a few drag‑and‑drops or with the help of our AI specially designed to create effective trainings using engaging pedagogical tools.

Need help creating your role‑playing scenarios?

Since 2007, Serious Factory has been transforming your training into more engaging and memorable experiences.
We support you in the success of your training strategy by providing solutions that enable the acquisition, development, and assessment of skills.

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