What is a Gamified E‑Learning Module?

Virtual classroom, distance learning, digital training, virtual training... Professional E‑Learning training is known by different names and is now one of the pillars of professional training.
However, gone are the days when a simple internet connection and a series of slideshows were enough to make remote teaching accessible and, most importantly, engaging for learners.
Today, to succeed in training, it is about offering new learning modalities that combine flexibility, agility, ergonomics, and interactivity.

If you are designing E‑Learning modules, you have certainly heard of the concepts of gamification. Indeed, for several years, this concept has been increasingly used in the world of e‑learning.
Gamification involves using the codes and techniques of video games to energize your eLearning courses. Similar to Serious Games, the idea here is not to create a module in the form of a story with the learner as the hero but to include game mechanics in your training modules while maintaining the same pedagogical approach.
Adding gamification to your pedagogical content can translate into the addition of playful phases (mini‑games), point systems, bonuses, badges, the creation of attractive graphics, role‑playing, etc...

Creating a Gamified E‑Learning with VTS Editor

What are the benefits of Gamified E‑Learning Modules?

Learner Engagement Boosted by Gamified E‑Learning

1‑ You transform learning into a pleasant experience for the learner!

When learners enjoy their training, they immerse themselves in gamified pedagogical activities, thus forgetting the constraints of traditional teaching methods and old school memories.
Many employees are very bored by the idea of spending days listening to a trainer talk for long hours or having to dive into dozens of slides to read.
Here is where your main mission comes in: to make your training courses and your pedagogical resources enjoyable for participants!

2 ‑ Interactive training: A vector for engagement!

Interactivity is the very essence of Gamified E‑Learning Modules. Unlike a traditional lesson where the learner is often a mere spectator who must click the "next" button, gamification places the learner at the heart of the action by constantly soliciting their attention and making them think to make decisions.

As a result, this retains the learner's motivation, significantly increases learners' engagement, and offers digital training that is more effective in terms of memory retention.

Example of Interaction in an E‑Learning Created with VTS Editor
Illustration of Edgar Dale's Learning Pyramid

3 ‑ Active learning to durably anchor knowledge

Edgar Dale's learning pyramid defines the average retention rate of information according to their mode of learning and shows that the more the learner is engaged in the training process, the better the information will be retained.

It is therefore easy to see the interest of gamifying pedagogical solutions and E‑Learning modules compared to traditional E‑Learning training content.

How to create Gamified E‑Learning Modules?

As we previously saw, adding gamified storytelling in your E‑Learning modules does not necessarily mean that you will have to create a Serious Game.

Many pedagogical modalities will allow you to develop gamification in your modules:

  • Use engaging graphics reminiscent of video games
  • Add music and sound effects to your modules
  • Award points visibly, including a small animation celebrating success
  • Deliver badges upon completion of stages or objectives
  • Set up a player ranking
  • Add mini‑games or challenges including, for example, a timer
  • Humanize your training by using characters

With hundreds of Digital Learning projects developed over more than 16 years of existence, and tested by over 300 clients, Serious Factory has developed a 9‑step key design methodology called 'Juicy Learning'. You will find all the details of this method by downloading our white paper dedicated to this method.

What tools to create Gamified E‑Learning Modules?

As we have seen, the creation of gamified E‑Learning modules requires several skills:

  • Pedagogical design
  • Graphic design
  • Sound design
  • Programming of mini‑games and point systems

Some traditional E‑Learning tools will allow you to create such modules, but since they were not specifically created for that, it will be costly and complicated to achieve a satisfactory result.
At Serious Factory, we have been democratizing gamification for your training needs for over 16 years and this is why we created VTS Editor, the world's leading authoring tool for designing gamified e‑learning modules.

Without any technical or graphic skills and with the help of generative AI, you can easily design realistic scenarios in record time: Choose a setting, characters, and design your pedagogical scenario with a few drag‑and‑drops or with the help of our AI specifically designed to create effective and engaging trainings.

Need help creating your Gamified E‑Learning Modules?

Since 2007, Serious Factory has been transforming your training programs into more engaging and memorable experiences.
We support you in the success of your distance learning strategy by providing solutions that enable the acquisition, development, and assessment of skills.

Our commitments

Our commitments

We support you in the creation, deployment and implementation of competency management while respecting costs, production deadlines and your brand identity.

Evolving projects

Evolving projects

Our tailor‑made projects are designed with VTS Editor so that you can develop them independently.

Our expertise

Our expertise

Pedagogical engineering, storytelling, game design, digital training strategy audit and consultancy, research & development, UI/UX design... A watchword: Innovation.

Agile methodology

Agile methodology

Your satisfaction is our priority. We work hand in hand until the final objective is achieved.