Deploy your e‑learning courses with our LMS platform

The advantages of our VTS Perform platform

After creating your gamified e‑learning training modules, simulation exercises and other serious games, you need to rely on a deployment platform that is easy to use, intuitive for your users, and customized to the image of your organization.

These factors, and many more, were considered in the design of our LMS platform: VTS Perform.

With VTS Perform, we aim to transform the way you create and deploy your online training courses.

An easy to use and intuitive platform

VTS Perform was designed with a top priority: ease of use.

Thanks to an intuitive user interface, managing and deploying your E‑learning training content requires no technical skills.

You can focus on what truly matters: the content and pedagogical effectiveness of your training program.

Our LMS platform optimizes every step of the online course creation process, from user and training course creation to measuring learners' competencies.

Adaptability to Your Graphic Charter

VTS Perform offers complete visual customization flexibility, allowing you to adapt the interface to reflect your graphic identity.

Whether it's integrating your logo, using your corporate colors or customizing email templates, our LMS platform maintains a visual continuity that strengthens the identity of your brand among users.

Customization of colors and interface in VTS Perform

A Tailored User Experience

The learner experience in VTS Perform is designed to be fully customizable and ensure total immersion in your brand environment.

Beyond the visual aspect, you can structure each training module, content, and interactions to best meet the expectations and preferences of your learners. This customization enables you to increase engagement and improve learning outcomes.

A Flexible and Customizable Ecosystem

VTS Perform gives you the freedom to create distance and blended‑learning training courses that precisely meet the needs of your audience.

Whether you wish to develop online training modules, assessments, serious games, or a combination of all these elements, our platform allows you to easily integrate various educational resources and training content to make learning more engaging and effective.

LMS VTS Perform Platform: setup of a training session
LMS VTS Perform: Tracking of skills and detailed statistics in

Continuous Skills Improvement

Analyze the learners' journey and review detailed statistics and scores to identify their strengths and areas for improvement.

Thus, you can assess the skills of teams and propose training programs tailored to their needs.

By encouraging learners to replay the courses to improve their score, our learning platform promotes regular review of training content.

This targeted repetition not only aids in acquiring new skills but also ensures better long‑term retention and understanding.

Engagement Through Gamification

Applying game elements in non‑game contexts is a proven strategy for increasing learner engagement in digital learning.

The VTS Perform leaderboard aligns with this approach by introducing a competitive aspect that motivates learners to excel. By seeing their position relative to others, they are encouraged to replay the courses, deepen their understanding of the topics, and hone their skills.

Motivation through recognition

VTS Perform provides visibility into the learners' performance and progress, allowing them to receive recognition from their peers and trainers.

This recognition can take various forms, from simple congratulations to more tangible rewards like badges, in a positive and motivating atmosphere.

VTS Perform: Detailed reports of training sessions
Online shop in VTS Perform

A Direct and Secure Sales Channel

VTS Perform includes an online store feature that allows you to create your training offer and sell your courses and training programs directly to your customers.

You set up a training online store that is both secure and easy to use, offering a reassuring purchasing experience for your clients while protecting their sensitive data.

Already have an LMS or HRIS?

Connect your LMS or HRIS to VTS Perform and benefit from advanced analytics!

Collect and analyze more in‑depth KPIs than the market's LMSs. You can now measure the learners' skill development and acquisition.

Tailored pricing
to your needs

Monthly billing
per active learner

No commitment and with a decreasing price per number of active learners*

Annual billing

No commitment and with a predefined number of learners that you can adjust at any time

*active = launching at least one training in the month

The essentials of VTS Perform

Qualitative feedback

Qualitative feedback

VTS Perform allows you to easily collect and visualize qualitative information that goes beyond market LMS systems limited to the SCORM standard.

Scores by skills

Scores by skills

In synergy with VTS Editor, you can visualize answers and score progression for each acquired skill at any time.



Configure automatic and customizable notifications: training invitations, reminders, and end‑of‑session reports.



Learners can access their learning space from their PC, Mac, tablet, or mobile device, online or offline.

Learner management

Learner management

Invite learners individually or in batches, with or without email. Thanks to the SSO connector, VTS Perform is fully secure and seamlessly integrates with corporate tools.



Deploy your modules created with VTS Editor, your SCORM modules, videos, PDFs... At any time, you can update your activities while retaining the previous statistics.

Customizable interface

Customizable interface

Maintain your brand identity with a fully customizable interface. Add your logo, your company colors, custom backgrounds...



Export your statistics and reports as branded PDF files or in CSV format. Justify learners' time spent to secure funding from public organizations.