Groupe PSA

Lean Management and customer satisfaction

Illustration of Groupe PSA case study


The PSA Group, owner of the Peugeot, Citroën, DS, Opel, and Vauxhall brands, introduced the "Excellence" method to sustainably improve its performance. This approach focuses on developing employees' skills, particularly in adopting and reinforcing best practices at the Point of Sale, as well as simplifying processes.

The Excellence method draws inspiration from Lean Management and the Group’s Quality approach, with the goal of ensuring employee autonomy and their engagement in shared objectives to enhance mastery of their activities.

Illustration of Groupe PSA case study
Illustration of Groupe PSA case study


While PSA’s in-person training is useful for embedding the best practices of the Excellence method, it reaches its limits for a global group. Digital training has become essential to effectively train employees worldwide and provide them with regular practice.

Zone Managers, who are key to performance at the points of sale, need to master these methods. Therefore, PSA requires a digital training solution focused on essential operational skills while offering a personalized experience.

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participation rate

905 hours

of training accumulated by learners

68 minutes

to complete the module

Icone Benefits


Serious Factory has developed a realistic training simulation in two parts to hone the key skills of Zone Managers: Standards Verification (SV) and Problem Resolution Method (PRM). The innovation lies in the coaching role assumed by the learner, portraying Luke, a Zone Manager, who guides participants through immersive and gamified scenarios.

These scenarios promote learning through trial and error, supplemented by regular feedback to enhance learner confidence and skill mastery. The training is deployed simultaneously worldwide on smartphones, with no additional logistics required.

Icone Benefits


Groupe PSA selected the LMS/LXP platform VTS Perform to track statistics of deployed simulations. This solution enabled trainers to gather detailed data on learner performance in each scenario. VTS Perform facilitated large-scale deployment by easily adding local languages and synthetic voices while monitoring skill development.
The immersive simulation enhanced method assimilation and increased engagement and completion rates by over 50% within six months. It was also deployed with importers, reaching new audiences.

At PSA, Zone Managers play a vital role in stimulating sales outlets and developing their performance, particularly in terms of customer satisfaction. With the Serious Game pedagogy, the Zone Manager is put in an operational situation to support his sales outlets. By playing out immersive scenarios, he learns the method and how to deploy it at the point of sale.
We chose to deploy the course on a smartphone, which means that it can be used in all countries at the same time. This new pedagogical approach has increased the number of course completions by over 50% in just 6 months!
Groupe PSA logo

Leader of the training program for PSA Group Zone Managers

Groupe PSA

Icone VTS Editor

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