Design software for gamified E‑Learning modules made easy with AI

Create gamified e‑learning modules, realistic scenarios, and Serious Games to develop learner skills.

Design simply thanks to an intuitive interface

You just need to drag and drop preconceived features: dialogues between characters, slideshows, forms, quizzes, mini‑games, progression system, rewards, to create your scenarios.

Using AI for e‑learning module generation in VTS Editor

Artificial Intelligence at the Service of Creativity for Your Digital Learning Project

The integration of artificial intelligence into our elearning course design tool opens up new prospects for the creation of pedagogical activities through a revolutionary digital transformation.

For instructional designers, using technological advances to exponentially increase both your productivity and your creativity is a choice that allows you to create more immersive, accessible, and personalized pedagogical formats.

Automatic Scenario Generation

VTS Editor's AI automatically generates training scenarios based on the topics you want to address to design e‑learning modules.

Simply by entering a few keywords or learning objectives, our system uses this information to propose a structured scenario that serves as a foundation for your module. This new feature saves you valuable time in the design phase and ensures consistent pedagogical methods in your training content.

Using AI for e‑learning module generation in VTS Editor
Using AI for e‑learning module generation in VTS Editor

Instant Multilingual Translation

The digitalization of your training courses should also allow for broader dissemination to meet various pedagogical objectives.

With VTS Editor's AI, you have the ability to instantly translate your e‑learning training projects into several languages.

This capacity for quick and precise transcription makes your training materials accessible to an international audience, eliminates linguistic and cultural barriers, and ensures a uniform learning experience for all learners.

Creation of 2D and 360° Images and Sceneries

The AI used by VTS Editor is also capable of generating 2D images and scenery as well as in 360°.

Whether you need specific sceneries to illustrate concepts or to create immersive environments for simulations, VTS Editor is capable of producing these high‑quality visual elements to enrich your e‑learning training modules with relevant and attractive pedagogical content and modalities.

Using AI for e‑learning module generation in VTS Editor

Creating Your E‑learning Modules with VTS Editor,
How Does It Work?

When we developed our e‑learning course design software solution, Serious Factory experts made it a point of honor to make the creation process as simple and intuitive as possible.

Our VTS Editor software is first and foremost a clean and easy‑to‑navigate user interface that allows anyone, even without prior programming or design experience, to create interactive and engaging distance learning pedagogical content.

We give you the option to choose from a vast library of pre‑designed features that includes:

  • Character dialogues to simulate realistic interactions.
  • Slideshows to present information in a structured way.
  • Forms to collect responses.
  • Quizzes to assess knowledge.
  • Mini‑games to make learning fun.
  • A progression system to guide learners through the course.
  • Rewards to motivate and engage.
Creating E‑Learning modules in VTS Editor

For Customized, Unique, and Personalized
E‑learning Modules

Gamified e‑learning module with VTS Editor

To enrich and diversify your training plan, our e‑learning creation tool provides you access to a multitude of resources and features designed to maximize the quality and effectiveness of your remote training modules.

Our goal is to provide you with everything you need to create rich and immersive learning experiences, without the need to search for external resources or create content from scratch.

From classic training modules to gamified training modules, to fully customized e‑learning communication and training supports, with Serious Factory, the realm of possibilities is endless.

Hundreds of Pedagogical Resources

Dive into our vast library of pedagogical resources to find texts, images, videos, and animations specifically designed for teaching, learning, and professional training.

These resources cover a wide range of topics and are regularly updated to ensure their relevance and accuracy. They are also designed to adapt to different styles of distance training so that every organization can find the teaching mode that best suits them.
Content library for digital learning module creation

A Variety of Design Templates

Save time and efficiency with our different design themes. Whether you need a framework for a complete course, a quiz model, a serious game, or a diagram for an interactive scenario, VTS Editor offers ready‑to‑use and fully customizable models.
These templates are designed to be both aesthetic and functional while providing an optimal user experience for the learner.

A Library of Scenery and Characters

Humanize your online courses with our collection of characters. From various professions, cultures, and age groups, these graphic elements are perfect for creating scenarios, simulations, or simply to add a human element to your online courses.

Every character can be customized to fit the context of your training and make each pedagogical design unique and engaging.

Set your scenarios in realistic or imaginary environments with our library of scenery. Whether you need a corporate office, a virtual classroom, or a natural landscape, our sceneries are ready to use and modifiable, creating the perfect ambiance for your e‑learning training modules.

Discover the charactersDiscover the sceneries
Library of characters and avatars for gamified elearning modules
Tutorials for learning to design E‑Learning modules with VTS Editor

Video Tutorials

Master our platform quickly thanks to our series of video tutorials. Designed for users at all levels, these short films cover everything from getting started with the interface to more advanced design techniques.
With these resources at your disposal, you will be able to make the most of our VTS Editor software to create high‑quality e‑learning content

VTS Editor features

To design a training device that allows learners to project themselves into acquiring new skills, you need to be able to rely on captivating digital communication support.

Choosing VTS Editor means having a platform capable of building personalized training from digital tools and cutting‑edge pedagogical solutions.

Serious Factory provides you with digital tools designed by our instructional engineers to bring real added value to your e‑learning training module.

And to go further after designing your communication and learning tool, our LMS platform allows you to deploy your online training on a multitude of digital supports and media.

Simple<br>and intuitive design

and intuitive design

Create various learning experiences with drag‑and‑drop features like Quizzes, True/False questions, mini‑games, and more.

Creation of non‑linear<br>scenarios

Creation of non‑linear

Maximize replayability by creating branching scenarios. Ideal for trial‑and‑error learning.

Use of gamification<br>mechanics

Use of gamification

Easily implement a scoring system and rewards (badges, trophies...) to encourage self‑improvement and learner engagement.

Artificial Intelligence<br>features

Artificial Intelligence

Save time with the scenario generator, writing assistance, and instant translator.



Choose from a wide range of 3D characters. They are fully animated, come with variations of civilian or professional outfits, and you can adjust their emotions according to the situations.

Discover the characters
Various settings and<br>environments

Various settings and

VTS Editor contains numerous 2D, 360°, or virtual reality backgrounds in a wide range of environments. You can also create your own settings by importing your photos.

Discover the sceneries


Draw from a vast library of templates, graphic elements, sounds, music, and take advantage of the many design aids.



Learners have options to adjust your content for dyslexia, color blindness, visual impairment, and hearing impairment.

And after the design...

Your project can be deployed with all LMS on the market
SCORM module export from VTS Editor
I export
My experience is exported in SCORM format or for VTS Perform.
Import of elearning modules into LMSs
I deploy
I integrate my training in SCORM format on my LMS platform or on VTS Perform.
Multi‑platform compatibility of VTS Editor elearning modules
They learn
The modules are playable on all types of supports.