Juicy Learning®: the key to engaging your learners over the long term in your training programme
If you are here because you are thinking of adopting Digital Learning to develop a new training offer based on distance or blended learning or because you want to add a new twist to your existing offer. Designers, you’ve come to the right place!
So what is Juicy Learning®?
Juicy Learning is a form of Digital Learning that aims to boost learner engagement and knowledge retention by borrowing certain codes from video games, including “juiciness”. Pierre Susset, co-founder and Production Owner at Serious Factory, gives us a definition of juiciness : “the feeling of gratification, surprise or pleasure that one experiences when playing. For example: the appearance of an addictive sound when you succeed in a challenge, a graphical interface that evolves to take you to the next level, the whaou effect when you discover a new world… It’s the way we’re going to bring pleasure and reward effort through design, both visual and auditory. ”
As you can see, bringing juiciness into your Experiences is essential for the success of your pedagogical device, and all the easier with VTS Editor!
9 steps to create a Juicy Experience
In this white paper, our experts share with you their 9-step design methodology to enable you to complete a Juicy Learning® project by yourself. It is a design method that has evolved over time to meet the specifics of the material being developed. Behavioural simulation, Mobile Learning, Serious Game, Top-down course, Escape Game, etc: this method is adapted to all the concepts of Experiences that you can already design on VTS Editor!