The primary objective of training is to transmit knowledge in order to help the learner develop a skill. For this objective to be met, the learner must be involved as much as possible in his training. There are many elements that can foster such engagement. Serious Factory emphasizes realism in educational scenarios created through its…
Serious Factory continues its development in Canada, by sealing a strategic partnership with Firme VisionÈre. By choosing Virtual Training Suite, the Consulting firm develops and deploys immersive and interactive training solutions in the area of Health, Safety and Environment.
VTS Editor is updated to version 6.0! This new version gives you access to numerous optimisations and exclusive new features, for an ever more advanced design of your training simulations and unrivalled working comfort. Let’s discover these innovations.
Serious Factory has obtained Co-Sell Ready status from Microsoft for its VTS Editor software to meet the needs of the global digital learning market.
We have seen in our previous articles that Immersive Learning is not necessarily expensive or difficult to implement. And yet, one of the most difficult obstacles remains the question of the effectiveness of this type of training. Let’s take a closer look at the third myth of Immersive Learning: “Immersive Learning is not effective”.
Immersive Learning is considered today as a revolution in the field of Digital Learning and offers many advantages to trainers wishing to embark on the adventure. Nevertheless, certain preconceived ideas are still alive and well in 2021, whether it is in terms of price, time required or even the difficulty of setting up such an…
Advanced graphics, animations, interactivity… We tend to think that professional training needs a high level of media to be attractive, engaging and memorable for the learner. What if the opposite was also true in 2021? Let’s take a look at minimalism in Digital Learning.
In 2019, Serious Factory published the white paper “Never the first time…” which highlighted how professionals from all sectors of activity use Digital Learning to train learners with real virtual simulations, aiming to develop skills and get them as involved as possible in their training. 2 years later, how did the situation evolve and what…
New technologies have revolutionised our daily lives. Over the years, the way we consume information has greatly evolved. So has the way we integrate and memorise it. It is therefore natural that training is being transformed and that new learning and teaching methods must be considered by educational designers in order to make it more…
Blended Learning is already a several years old teaching methodology. Although it has tended to soar over the last 5 years, it was the health crisis that really shook up these changes by leading companies to review the way they train their learners. Today, Blended Learning seems to have a bright future by rethinking face-to-face…